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  • Writer's pictureMark Edwards

The Ultimate 7 Week Weight Loss Workout Plan for Men Over 40

Updated: Aug 18

Table of Contents

Introduction: Men's Health Over 40

As men age, particularly after 40, their bodies undergo significant changes. Metabolism slows down, muscle mass declines a LOT, and extra pounds of unwanted body fat seem harder to burn.

It doesn't have to be all downhill from here. With the right approach, men over 40 and beyond can effectively burn fat, increase muscle mass, and revitalize their energy levels. If you haven't been active enough or have been inactive for some time, there's no reason why you can't get in the best shape of your life with the right plan.

Getting started is half the battle.

This 7-week weight loss workout plan for men over 40 is designed to help you achieve exactly that, even with minimal or no equipment.

I'm going to give you 3 different protocols for the equipment that you have available: one plan is for kettlebells and dumbbells, another is for a more complete setup of kettlebells, dumbbells, and a barbell, and a third protocol incorporates body weight only and requires no equipment other than a jump rope.

Keep in mind that any exercise routine that you decide to follow should be tweaked and adapted to your circumstances, but the overall principles remain the same. And the permutations for workout design are unlimited.

First, let's talk about some underlying basics.

Older heavy guy walking on a country road

The Challenges of Weight Loss After 40

Changes in Metabolism after 40

One of the most significant changes men experience as they cross the threshold of 40 is a shift in metabolism. This natural process is characterized by a slower metabolic rate, meaning the body becomes less efficient at burning calories.

This slowdown is partly due to muscle loss, and since muscles are more metabolically active than fat, muscle loss translates to lower resting metabolism.

Another factor in this metabolic slowdown is that we tend to be less physically active, often because of a combination of busyness and lowered energy levels as we age.

It's almost like a chicken and egg situation. But it doesn't matter which came first when it comes to slower metabolism and decreased activity levels. The fact is, get moving or suffer the consequences.

Use it or lose it.

Even if you maintain the same diet and exercise routine as in your younger years, you may still gain weight and find fat-burning a lot harder. For guys who want to lose weight, this can be downright demotivating, but understanding it is the first step towards adapting lifestyle choices to align with these bodily changes.

To counteract this metabolic slowdown, men over 40 need to adjust their approach to weight loss and muscle gain. It becomes crucial to incorporate activities that boost metabolism, and that's where strength training and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) come in.

These exercises not only burn a significant number of calories during the workout but also lead to an increase in resting metabolic rate (RMR), meaning more calories are burned even while at rest.

Additionally, focusing on building and preserving muscle mass through resistance training and increased protein intake can help mitigate the metabolic slowdown. As muscle tissue requires more energy to maintain than fat, increasing muscle mass effectively boosts metabolism, aiding in more efficient fat loss and weight management. This metabolic adaptation is a key component in the design of the 7-week workout plan, ensuring that men over 40 can achieve sustainable fat loss while building muscle.

If you're a guy who spent a lot of time running 10k's and marathons, this may be a hard pill to swallow. But the fact is that running doesn't help mitigate age-related muscle loss and sarcopenia. And as fat loss workouts go, running on its own isn't the most effective or efficient method to achieve that end.

So if you're struggling to lose weight and conserve muscle mass, running ain't gonna cut it, pal.

Older man with beard and tattoos doing pushups outodoors

More on Muscle Mass Loss

Muscle mass decreases approximately 3-5% per decade after 30, and this muscle loss impacts overall strength, endurance, and metabolism. The causes are multifactorial, including hormonal changes, tanking testosterone levels (levels fall by about 1% per year after the age of 40), reduced physical activity, and alterations in protein synthesis.

The decline in testosterone isn't only age-related. There also seems to be a correlation between low testosterone and obesity.

There's one more box that gets checked off if you burn off that excess body fat.

The loss of muscle mass not only affects physical appearance and strength but also contributes to a slower metabolic rate. As I mentioned, muscle is more metabolically active than fat. The reduction in muscle tissue makes it more challenging to maintain muscle mass and can increase the risk of weight gain and associated health issues.

Addressing muscle mass loss is therefore a critical aspect of any fitness program for men over 40. You want to lose weight, but that goal is meaningless if the weight you lose is muscle mass.

That's why this 7-week workout plan has a significant component of strength training exercises, a key strategy to counteract the effects of sarcopenia. Engaging in regular resistance training helps stimulate muscle growth and repair, thereby maintaining and even increasing muscle mass. Of course, that's if you work hard enough.

Every second workout of this weight loss workout plan for men also incorporates high-intensity interval training (HIIT), a proven way to burn fat without the strength-killing effects of a cardio-focused program. This ensures that you get a dose of cardio with your strength training exercises and jacks up the metabolism.

Since older trainees need more recovery/rest days and usually experience several days of DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness), adding some cardio and/or HIIT is imperative to keep that fat loss happening despite more rest days.

You're not going to train like you're 25 anymore. If you think you can hit the weights hard 5 or 6 days a week, you're on the road to injury.

And in middle age, we can't afford to be out of the game for a full year while we recover from an injury we could have avoided with a little common sense and a good coach.

Additionally, adequate protein intake and a balanced diet play vital roles in supporting muscle repair and growth. Coupled with a structured workout plan emphasizing lean muscle gain and strength training exercises, men in their 40s, 50s, and beyond can effectively combat the natural decline in muscle mass, leading to improved metabolic health, better body composition, and enhanced overall physical function.

With a consistent effective strategy and a positive mindset, older guys can feel and look stronger well into their 6th, 7th, and even 8th decade.

Bearded tattooed man doing pushups on a smash ball

The Importance of Consistent Training in Your Weight Loss Journey

We want to lose body fat and maintain that fat loss, but at the same time try to gain muscle or at least maintain as much as possible. Training consistency is a key factor. As the body ages, it faces natural declines in muscle mass, metabolic rate, and flexibility.

Regular exercise counteracts these changes by continually stimulating muscle growth, boosting metabolism, and improving joint mobility.

As an older guy myself, I'm always working on joint strengthening, stability, and mobility to avoid injury and make sure that I can keep working out and staying fit. Consistency is essential to maintaining a reasonable level of flexibility in all different muscle groups, particularly the lower body muscles. All the strength in the world won't do you any good if you struggle to reach your toes to tie your own shoes.

Consistency in a workout regime not only aids in building muscle, burning fat, and maintaining the body's ability to actually perform, but also contributes to overall health improvements, such as enhanced cardiovascular health, better blood sugar control, and improved mental well-being.

Without consistency, intensity and exercise type don't mean anything. It would be like brushing your teeth once a week. Who cares which toothpaste and toothbrush you use? Once a week accomplishes nothing.

Consistency makes it easier to incorporate fitness into daily life as a habit rather than a chore. This habitual incorporation is crucial for long-term sustainability. Lack of consistency is often the killer when it comes to getting fit and losing pounds.

Personally, I like to view training and exercise as "hygiene." That's not only an analogy but functionally true. Cardiologist Dr. Benjamin Levine points this out in his interview with Dr. Rhonda Patrick.

Showering, brushing your teeth, and exercising are all about hygiene.

And Consistency is king.

“Eighty percent of success is showing up.” - Woody Allen

For men over 40 who may face more challenges in starting or maintaining a fitness routine due to lifestyle and physiological changes, establishing a consistent routine helps to ensure that the benefits of exercise are not just temporary but are sustained over time.

At our age, it's all about sustainability.

Tattooed Man Deadlifting Kettlebell

The Principles and Essentials of Fat Loss and Muscle Building: Lift Heavy Things.

Achieving the goals of losing fat and building or preserving muscle mass requires a thoughtful approach that balances both cardiovascular and strength training. This balance is crucial as each type of exercise serves a unique purpose in the body's overall fitness and metabolic functioning.

An effective weight loss strength training program combining strength and cardio can increase resting metabolic rate, meaning the body continues to burn calories well after finishing the workout. By combining both forms of exercise, you can effectively shed fat while simultaneously building lean muscle mass, leading to a more toned and fit physique. Lose weight, get stronger, get leaner, and feel great.

That's the goal.

Supersets: The Secret Sauce for an Effective Fat Burning, Time-Efficient Workout

Supersets, an advanced training method where two exercises are performed back-to-back with no rest in between, are a highly effective component in workout routines, especially for those aiming to lose fat and build muscle simultaneously within a limited daily time-frame.

By combining two exercises that target either opposing muscle groups (antagonistic supersets) or the same muscle group (agonistic supersets), supersets can significantly increase workout intensity. This heightened intensity leads to several benefits:

  • Supersets boost calorie burn both during and after the workout due to increased post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), so you'll burn fat.

  • Supersets enhance muscular endurance and stimulate greater muscle hypertrophy compared to traditional, isolated exercises performed with rest intervals.

  • Supersets can improve workout efficiency, allowing more work to be done in a shorter period – an important consideration for anyone with time constraints.

Incorporating supersets is particularly advantageous as it addresses two key concerns: the need for efficient fat loss and the necessity to preserve or build muscle mass. With the metabolic changes and muscle mass reduction that typically occur in this age group, workouts that maximize calorie expenditure and muscle engagement are essential.

The Role of Diet in Fat Loss and Muscle Building

You can't build a fortress with a thousand buckets of Jell-O. - Coach Mark

You need concrete. You need bricks. You need mortar. You need a solid foundation.

A foundation built on Jell-O pudding isn't going to work.

Is there a best diet? That's a complex question.

The role of diet is just as important as the workout itself. Diet IS the foundational element of any fitness regime, whether you're someone trying to lose weight and get fitter or someone training for a physique competition or CrossFit®.

When it comes to losing fat, the primary dietary focus should be on creating a caloric deficit - consuming fewer calories than the body burns. However, this reduction in calories must be strategic and well-planned to ensure that the body still receives the necessary nutrients to function optimally and sustain energy levels.

High-quality proteins, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates are crucial components of a diet geared toward fat loss and muscle gain. Proteins are particularly vital as they are the building blocks of muscle; they aid in muscle repair and growth post-exercise.

If you're not getting sufficient dietary protein but training hard, in a calorie deficit, the result will be muscle catabolism. That's not a big deal when you're 25, but it's a huge deal at 50.

Digestion of protein requires greater energy expenditure, so by consuming adequate protein, you'll also get a metabolic bump.

Fats, while often misunderstood, are essential for hormone regulation, including testosterone, which plays a significant role in muscle building. Complex carbohydrates provide the energy needed to fuel workouts and assist in recovery.

This doesn't mean eating in excess but rather consuming a balanced diet that supports the increased metabolic demands of strength training and muscle growth. Timing of nutrient intake can also play a role, particularly around workout times. Consuming a combination of proteins and carbohydrates either pre-workout or post-training can aid in muscle recovery and glycogen replenishment.

Forget about "cheat days" and "reverse dieting." As far as cheat days go, they're a useful tool for professional physique competitors and some types of athletes. But if you're serious about losing weight in middle age, cheat days aren't going to help you.

Reverse dieting is an advanced tool for those who've been in a weight loss cycle for a fair amount of time and then find themselves at a sticking point.

Too often I see individuals who can't stick to their macros lament that they're not losing weight so their "metabolism is broken." Then they want to try "reverse dieting" which is just a smokescreen for over-consuming.

Nope. We start with basics and continue with them as long as necessary.

Additionally, staying hydrated and maintaining a balance of micronutrients is crucial for overall health and aids in the body's metabolic processes.

I suggest getting a blood panel done to identify any deficiencies you might have. A high-quality multivitamin can be added insurance against deficiencies.


The 7-Week Weight Loss Workout Plan Overview

This workout plan to lose weight for men is divided into three distinct routines, catering to different equipment availabilities: minimal equipment (kettlebells and dumbbells), access to a full range of equipment (barbells, kettlebells, dumbbells), and no equipment at all (except a jump rope).

Weekly Workout Routine Structure and Focus

Each week consists of 3-4 workout days, focusing on various muscle groups and exercise types to maximize fat loss and build muscle. You'll also notice that most movements are compound movements. Isolation exercises are fine for certain specific purposes but not ideal if your goal is to burn fat and build overall strength.

Personally, I like to have 4 to 5 work days and 1 to 2 rest days, depending on various factors. Generally, most guys should try for 3 to 5 training days per week, which may be optimal for most. Five workout days per week are often impossible to squeeze into a busy Dad's schedule, so you may want to shoot for 3 to 4 days.

Add to that decreased recovery ability. Men in their 40's, 50's, and 60's will be hard-pressed to train hard 6 days a week unless they're on TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy).

So let's not go there unless it's medically necessary. As you adapt to training, your testosterone levels will naturally increase somewhat while building more lean muscle mass. We want to adapt and improve without taking pharmaceutical shortcuts.

Every second workout incorporates a "Met-Con" or Metabolic Conditioning segment. We aim to build some muscle, lose fat, break a good sweat, and work our heart and lungs, so a Met-Con every other workout will do the trick.

Variation is important.

The Importance of Warm-Up, Mobility Exercises, and Cool-Down

A crucial, yet often overlooked, aspect of any effective workout regimen is the warm-up (including mobility) and cool-down phases. It's an ESSENTIAL part of the workout. Don't view it as something just tacked on for your amusement.

For older guys, these segments become even more vital because of the increased risk of injuries and the longer recovery time associated with aging. Warm-up exercises, such as light cardio or dynamic stretching, prepare the body and mind for the upcoming physical stress. They increase blood flow to the muscles, enhance flexibility, and reduce the risk of strains or sprains by gradually increasing heart rate and loosening up creaky joints.

This preparation is essential for high-intensity routines like supersets, ensuring the body is primed for optimal performance.

Similarly, the cool-down phase, involving stretching or light movements, is crucial for easing the body back into its resting state. It helps to reduce heart rate gradually, prevent blood pooling, and promote the removal of lactic acid from the muscles. This can reduce soreness and improve recovery time.

Incorporating a dedicated time for warm-up and cool-down in the workout plan not only enhances the effectiveness of the exercise session but also plays a significant role in injury prevention and long-term physical health maintenance.

Dynamic Warm-Up Exercises

I always like to start off with some dynamic movements before moving on to specific movements for the day's workout. These dynamic movements increase core temperature, blood flow to the muscles, and get the joints and tendons prepped for the upcoming heavier movements.

I consider many of these movements to be dynamic "mobility exercises."

I like to perform a combination of movements recommended by Scott Hogan in his fantastic book "Built from Broken." It's a great series of basic movements that can and should be done every day, not only before working out:

Each movement is performed 10-12 times.

To give my shoulders a little more prep, I'll add some light kettlebell halos and banded dislocates. I go through the sequence at least twice.

In addition, I recommend doing some movements popularized by the "Knees Over Toes Guy." I started doing these because like a lot of guys my age, I have knee issues, so these movements have worked a treat. I've added a movement that I believe is essential to long-term mobility and balance:

Cool Down and Stretching

Every workout session includes a 15-minute warm-up to prepare the muscles and a 5-10 minute cool down with stretching to aid recovery.

The cooldown can be any light, low-exertion movement like 2-3 easy minutes on an exercise bike (Air Bike/Assault Bike), some Perfect Stretches, Pigeon Stretches, or others depending on the movements you did during the workout.

Let's move on to the example workout plans:

Weight Loss Workout Plan for Men 1: Minimal Equipment (Kettlebells and/or Dumbbells)

Frequency: 3-4 times per week

Session Structure:

  • Warm-Up: 15 minutes

  • Main Workout (Supersets): 40 minutes

  • MetCon Segment: 10 minutes (every second workout)

  • Cool Down: 5-10 minutes

kettlebell goblet squat
Goblet Squat

Weeks 1-2:

Superset 1:

A1) Kettlebell or Dumbbell Goblet Squats (3 sets of 10-12 reps)

A2) Dumbbell Shoulder Press (or Kettlebell) (3 sets of 10-12 reps)

Superset 2: 

B1) Dumbbell Bench Press (3 sets of 10-12 reps)

B2) Single-Arm Dumbbell Row (3 sets per side, 10-12 reps)

Superset 3:

C1) Kettlebell Swings (3 sets of 15 reps)

C2) Plank (3 sets of 30-60 seconds)

Rest between sets should be as short as manageable, but no longer than 1 minute.

Double Kettlebell deadlift
Double Kettlebell Deadlift

Weeks 3-4:

Superset 1:

A1) Dumbbell or Kettlebell Deadlift (3 sets of 10-12 reps)

A2) Dumbbell Flyes (3 sets of 10-12 reps)

Superset 2:

B1) Front Rack Kettlebell Lunge (3 sets per side, 10-12 reps)

B2) Bent-Over Dumbbell Row (3 sets of 10-12 reps)

Superset 3:

C1) Kettlebell Russian Twist (3 sets of 15 reps per side)

C2) Side Plank (3 sets per side, 30 seconds)

Weeks 5-7:

  • Increase weight and reduce reps to 8-10. If you did weeks 1-4 Non-superset style (3 sets of each movement before moving on to the next movement), then for weeks 5-7 do supersets as written, with added intensity.

Finish off every second workout with a MetCon such as this:

10 minutes of alternating between 30 seconds of kettlebell swings and 30 seconds of rest.

This is a MetCon we call an "EMOM," or "Every Minute on the Minute." So in this case, Every Minute on the Minute for 10 minutes perform 30 seconds of kettlebell swings (for most people that would be about 15-18 swings).

barbells and kettlebells

Weight Loss Workout Plan for Men 2: Access to Barbells, Kettlebells, & Dumbbells

Frequency: 3-4 times per week

Session Structure:

  • Warm-Up: 15 minutes

  • Main Workout (Supersets): 40 minutes

  • MetCon Segment: 10 minutes (every second workout)

  • Cool Down: 5-10 minutes

Back Squat
Back Squat

Weeks 1-2:

Superset 1:

A1) Barbell Back Squat (3 sets of 10-12 reps)

A2) Barbell Overhead Press (3 sets of 10-12 reps)

Superset 2: 

B1) Barbell Bench Press (3 sets of 10-12 reps)

B2) Dumbbell Row (3 sets per side, 10-12 reps)

Superset 3:

C1) Kettlebell Swings (3 sets of 15 reps)

C2) Dead Bug Exercise (3 sets of 15 reps per side)

Weeks 3-4:

Superset 1:

A1) Barbell Deadlift (3 sets of 10-12 reps)

A2) Dumbbell Flyes (3 sets of 10-12 reps)

Superset 2:

B1) Barbell Lunge (3 sets each side, 10-12 reps)

B2) One-Arm Kettlebell Chainsaw Row (3 sets per side, 10-12 reps)

Superset 3: 

C1) Kettlebell Cross Chop (3 sets of 15 reps per side)

C2) Hanging Knee Tuck (3 sets of 15 reps)

Weeks 5-7:

  • Gradually increase weight and focus on compound movements. Incorporate drop sets or pyramid sets for added intensity.

Again, add a Metcon segment at the end of every other workout. Another example could be this:

10 Minute EMOM:

30 Seconds Kettlebell Clean to Goblet Squat, Rest 30 Seconds

Weight Loss Workout Plan for Men 3: Body Weight Movements (No Equipment Except Jump Rope)

Frequency: 3-4 times per week

Session Structure:

  • Warm-Up: 15 minutes

  • Main Workout (Supersets): 40 minutes

  • MetCon Segment: 10 minutes (every second workout)

  • Cool Down: 5-10 minutes

Air Squat
Air Squat

Weeks 1-2:

Superset 1:

A1) Jump Rope (3 sets of 3 minutes)

A2) Push-Ups (3 sets of 10-15 reps)

Superset 2:

B1) Air Squats (3 sets of 15-20 reps)

B2) Bench Dips (3 sets of 10-12 reps)

Superset 3:

C1: Lunges (3 sets per side, 10-15 reps)

C2: Planks (3 sets of 30-60 seconds)

Jump Rope
Jump Rope

Weeks 3-4:

Superset 1:

A1) Jump Rope (3 sets of 4 minutes)

A2) Diamond Push-Ups (3 sets of 8-12 reps)

Superset 2:

B1) Pistol Squats (3 sets each side, 8-10 reps)

B2) Dive Bomber Push-Ups (3 sets of 8-10 reps)

Superset 3:

C1) Side Plank (3 sets each side, 30-60 seconds)

C2) Russian Step-Ups (3 sets each side, 12-15 reps)

Weeks 5-7:

  • Increase the intensity and duration of jump rope sessions. Include more challenging variations of bodyweight exercises.

MetCon Segment (Every Second Workout):

  • Perform a high-intensity circuit for 10 minutes, including exercises like burpees and jump squats, with minimal rest between exercises.

One more thing: you can augment a no-equipment workout by picking up some resistance bands to add resistance to some of the movements like the squats and pushups. Resistance bands will also allow you to add banded deadlifts/hip hinges to the workouts.

Resistance bands are one of the cheapest yet most versatile fitness tools you could own.

And Then There's Sleep

Finally, let's talk briefly about sleep. Since this post is about a fat loss training protocol, I'm not going to go too far into the issue of sleep. However, if you're not getting good, quality sleep, you're going to sea in a leaky boat.

Sleep is one of the most critical aspects of weight loss. It affects your appetite, workout recovery, hormones, ALL OF IT.

So get to bed earlier, turn off your devices at least an hour before bed, and reap the benefits.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Isn't running long distances the best way to lose weight?

Answer: No. You might lose weight by running several times a week, but without resistance training, you'll lose muscle mass, not only body fat. Older guys need resistance training to mitigate natural muscle loss.

Question: Isn't weight training going to make me heavier and bulkier? I don't want to look like a bodybuilder.

Answer: That's like saying reading books is going to make you into Einstein. You're not going to look like a steroid-using bodybuilder just by lifting weights 3 times a week.

Question: Is it better to train fasted, like before I eat breakfast? Or is it better to train 1-2 hours after eating?

Answer: It depends. There's nothing wrong with training in the morning before you've eaten, unless you find that your hunger interferes with the workout. In a fasted state, your body will burn more fat DURING the workout. But in a fed state, your body will burn more fat post-workout. So on the whole, working out fasted or fed ends up being a matter of personal preference. A good compromise is to eat something very light 1-2 hours prior to working out.

Question: Is it possible to do programs like this on my own?

Answer: Yes, it's possible. But if you want to ensure solid progress, build muscle, and lose weight safely and efficiently without rebounding, the guidance of a qualified coach is going to be invaluable.


Any effective weight loss workout plan for men over 40 has to consider the physical changes that we older guys are going through. An effective weight loss strength training program for a 50-year-old is not going to be the same as a program for a 25-year-old.

Yes, we are going to lift heavy weights. But we're also going to use common sense to avoid injury. Getting injured as a 25-year-old guy is a very different scenario than getting injured at 45 or 55.

So some of our fitness goals may be similar, but there are some big differences in the programming.

"It ain't what you've got. It's what you MAKE."

Mark Dean Edwards Profile
Mark Dean Edwards Precision Nutrition L1 Nutrition Coach, CrossFit L2 Trainer

Movements Cited in This Post

Cat Cow

World's Greatest Stretch (Perfect Stretch)

Glute Bridge

Prisoner Kang Squat

Cossack Squat

Assisted Cossack Squat

Banded Pass-Through

Kneeling Kettlebell Halo

Pigeon Stretch

Russian Kettlebell Swings

Dumbbell Deadlift

Single Leg Kettlebell Deadlift

Box Step-Downs

Knee Over Toe Split Squat

Kettlebell Goblet Squat

Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Dumbbell Bench Press

Single Arm Dumbbell Row

Front Plank

Dumbbell Flyes

Kettlebell Front Rack Lunge

Bent Over Dumbbell Row

Kettlebell Russian Twist

Side Plank

Barbell Back Squat

Barbell Overhead Strict Press

Barbell Bench press

Dead Bug

Conventional Barbell Deadlift

Forward Barbell Lunge

Kettlebell Chainsaw Row

Kettlebell Cross Chop

Hanging Knee Tuck

Kettlebell Clean to Goblet Squat

Air Squat

Bench Dip


Diamond Pushup

Pistol Squats

Dive Bomber Push Up

Side Plank

Russian Step Ups


Banded Dislocates

Disclaimer: All information provided on this website is for informational purposes only. No information provided is to be construed as medical advice. If you have medical issues, always consult your doctor.


Emberts T, Porcari J, Dobers-Tein S, Steffen J, Foster C. Exercise intensity and energy expenditure of a Tabata workout. J Sports Sci Med. 2013 Sep 1;12(3):612-3. PMID: 24137082; PMCID: PMC3772611.

Feldman HA, Longcope C, Derby CA, et al. Age trends in the level of serum testosterone and other hormones in middle-aged men: longitudinal results from the Massachusetts male aging study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2002;87(2):589-98.

Tabata, I. Tabata training: one of the most energetically effective high-intensity intermittent training methods. J Physiol Sci 69, 559–572 (2019).

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